464 Beach Drive, North Concord, VT - (802) 695-2280
Email: [email protected] -
Please be respectful of landowners and avoid causing damage to trails that have not dried out yet. Stay safe - Be sure your machines are registered with VASA (easy to do online using your cell phone) and remember your helmet!!!
See you on the trails!!!!
Trail from Ladd Road to Gaudreault Hill Road will be closed as of October 1, 2024 per land owner request.
MARCH 15, 2025 - Meeting - 9:00 am - Place TBD
Top of the World ATV Club (TOW) is a VASA affiliated club located in Concord Vermont. It was organized for charitable & educational purposes and encourages the safe, courteous, lawful and responsible use of ATVs.
TOW actively seeks and supports the preservation and protection of our natural environment and promotes the development of recreational areas for the use of ATVs.
Thanks to the landowners that we maintain a close relationship with, we offer miles of varied terrain to ride on.
Let's try this again....
We are getting complaints about the trash people are leaving when they are out on their ATVs. Landowners have been very patient but that can change anytime. And that means trails will be closed. TAKE YOUR TRASH WITH YOU. DO NOT LITTER. DO NOT DUMP YOUR TRASH ON THE TRAILS. IF YOU TAKE IT IN, TAKE IT OUT. Really folks, it's that simple. We don't want trails closed because of you. Be respectful and responsible. Thank you all!!
Current Trail Closures - Find out what trails are currently closed before you ride
Rt. 2 Dual Usage - What does this mean????
The powerlines, accessible from Rte 2 between Oregon Road and Carr Brook, are on PRIVATE PROPERTY. They are not part of our trail system. Please be respectful of the landowners and do not ride there. We have many many miles of trails to ride on and there should never be a reason to ride on someone else's land. Do the right thing, stick to the trails, be responsible and respectful.
The Miles Pond Pavilion is NOT a trailhead and we ask that people not park there. The people that pay to rent the pavilion need to park there. We have parking at the trailhead at the bottom of Foundry Road in Concord.